New Map Name : Fourex
PUBG Mobile may before long be getting a significant new expansion with another guide to play, just as another weapon and vehicle. Another Classic guide has shown up in the beta form of the game, and it could advance toward the normal rendition of the game sooner rather than later. It is called 'Secret map' in the beta form however a report proposes that the name of this new guide could be 'Fourex'. This new guide was prodded by PUBG Mobile on Twitter also with certain postcards indicating four distinct territories of the guide.
PUBG Mobile 'Secretmap' subtleties
The new Classic guide in PUBG Mobile beta is moderately littler than a normal guide like Erangel. The complete number of players in this guide is likewise lower than what is permitted in Erangel and Miramar. It accompanies some new structures that have a few similitudes to the ones in Sanhok, which is another moderately littler guide, just as certain structures taken from Erangel. The territory is somewhat unique and incorporates both snow regions and lush territories. It additionally has a drivable Monster truck as another vehicle, just as the P90 sub-assault rifle. There is likewise another shotgun called the SPAS-12.
According to a report by Dotesports, this new mystery guide could be called 'Fourex'. It has four fundamental parts that are like a few zones in Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, and Vikendi maps. These four zones were recently prodded by PUBG Mobile on Twitter as four pictures of postcards with stamps giving one territory every one of the new guide.
PUBG Mobile is getting a significant update on June 1 alongside a "secretive wilderness" mode, yet that probably wo exclude this new guide. Starting at now, there is no data on what the official name of the guide will be and when it will come to PUBG Mobile. Additionally, since the new mystery map is in the beta rendition of the game, it isn't the last form and may see changes when it does formally dispatch.
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